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└ Siūlo └ Siūlo darbą └ Darbas, mokslas └ Visi skelbimai Transportas Nekilnojamasis turtas Statyba, remontas Viskas namams Telefonai Darbas, mokslas Technika Laisvalaikis Drabužiai Kompiuterija Verslas Viskas nemokamai Prekės vaikams
Įmonė| UAB „Biuro“ <br /> <br />to ensure the protection of the site and its material assets;<br />maintaining public order and controlling conflict situations on site;<br />greeting and directing guests, providing information;<br />issuing keys and keeping a log book;<br />working with video cameras and other systems. <br />
+370 63866179


Atlyginimas: 1100 €
87 Peržiūrėjo
Darbo aprašymas

  • to ensure the protection of the site and its material assets;

  • maintaining public order and controlling conflict situations on site;

  • greeting and directing guests, providing information;

  • issuing keys and keeping a log book;

  • working with video cameras and other systems. 


  • excellent knowledge of English and Lithuanian;

  • computer literacy;

  • independence and responsibility;

  • helpfulness and responsiveness in non-standard situations.

Apie darbdavį
BIURO - padedame, kai labiausiai reikia. Paprastas ir greitas įdarbinimas. Jau daugiau kaip 20 metų padedame darbuotojams ir darbdaviams surasti vienas kitą. Pasikalbėkime plačiau apie įsidarbinimo galimybes ir Jūsų lūkesčius telefonu: 8 636 09282.
Įmonė siūlo
Our client, Vilnius University, is the oldest and largest university in Lithuania. It fosters academic, spiritual, and social values, educating active and responsible citizens and leaders for the Lithuanian state and society. We are looking for new team members and offer:

  • professional and friendly team;

  • working on a rolling 24/7 schedule;

  • a comfortable workplace in a modern building;

  • an active cultural and social life:

    • Vilnius University Health and Sports Centre;

    • Botanical Garden;

    • Museums;

    • Sports Centre;

    • using the services of the Vilnius University Library;

    • participating in the activities of Vilnius University art groups.

Workplace: Optionally at Konstitucijos Ave. or Žaliųjų Ežerų St., Vilnius
Įdėtas: Redaguotas: Parodė / Perskaitė: 1375 / 87 Skelbimo ID: 66870169
Užsiregistravo: 2016-10-12